
Improve your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Home energy efficiency improvement is a stepping stone and a fundamental necessity that enriches the well-being of homeowners. By constantly improving your home’s energy efficiency you are not only cutting down costs by the reduction of energy bills but also increasing the quality of living. Under the leverage of useful energy efficient gadgets (boilers, HVAC, furnace) and by properly insulating your living and storage space, you are one step closer to the golden standard home. Home insulation

Superlative methods for improving your home’s energy efficiency:

  • Home insulation
  • Usage of energy efficient gadgets
  • Installing energy efficient doors and windows

Home Insulation

Home insulation is of the utmost importance when home energy efficiency improvement is mentioned. By insulating your living and storage space, you are creating an air barrier that prevents airflow, paving the way to a significant reduction of monthly energy bills. It is in every homeowner’s best interest to apply insulation on their attic, home walls, basement, etc., to help the well-functioning of heating and cooling systems.

The home insulation marketplace is filled with a vast catalog of materials and methods to help the homeowners select the solution that meets their home needs at the lowest cost. However, not all insulation methods and materials are equally capable of delivering the necessary qualities the proper insulation system must.

You have already heard of spray foam, fiberglass, and cellulose insulation. Some of you fellow Ontarian homeowners might be using one of these materials for your home already. These insulation methods are highlighted by the others due to their sustainability and the qualities they have to offer.

Except for reducing the monthly utility bills, these insulation methods bring more options to the table for the homeowners. Check them below…

Other benefits of Insulation systems

  • Prevent pests and rodents from approaching your home perimeter
  • Stop mold growing on your home walls
  • Reduce noises coming from outside of your living space and in between rooms & levels
  • Significantly increase your property value by 3% up to 6%

Spray Foam – Delivering the best price-quality ratio

It is an open secret now in the world of insulation that Spray Foam Insulation is the finest material a homeowner can possibly find to insulate their living and storage space. The installation model of spray foam, applying polyurethane foam directly to home walls, makes the foam seal every gap and crack, creating this way an impenetrable efficient air barrier.

The material does not deteriorate with the passing of time and needs little to no maintenance at all. When compared with cellulose or fiberglass insulation, spray foam insulation cost is relatively higher. However, cheaper materials are prone to deterioration, the repair, and maintenance of who would increase the initial investment several times.

 Moreover, spray foam insulation is capable of delivering the highest R-Value per inch of thickness, a direct indicator of the efficiency of an insulation system. Simply put, the higher the R-Value of an insulation system, the lower the monthly utility bills will be.

Usage of energy efficient gadgets

Under the leverage of home energy efficient gadgets, you are using less energy for the same tasks in a manner that does not affect the living quality. Replacing your old HVAC System with an energy efficient one might cost you more in the beginning but the initial investment will eventually pay for itself throughout the years.

Noticeable saving can also be seen when installing an energy efficient boiler. Contemporary boilers are more energy efficient as they tend to avoid the heat loss that escapes up the flue.

The golden standard for home energy efficiency improvement is solar panels. The expensive cost for the install and maintenance are the key factors that exclude the average homeowner from this highly energy efficient practice.

Switching to low-flow showerheads would drastically lower the water consumption, eventually saving up to 20% in water utility bills. This energy efficient practice is cost-effective and the results can be seen within the first month.

Installing energy efficient doors and windows

The insulation system is king, but that might not be enough when the air leakage is not coming from your home walls. To properly guarantee the full functionality of an insulation system and extract as many benefits as possible from it, cooperation with other energy efficient gadgets is significant.

Switching to energy efficient doors and windows, for example, is highly recommended to homeowners whose old doors and windows are prone to air leakages. Reasonably, as with every energy efficient gadget, you will have to pay more in the beginning, but rest assured as every dollar will be returned with the passing of years with every months’ utility bill being reduced.

If you’re an Ontarian homeowner or a citizen of the suburban communities, you may be eligible for various Rebate Programs in Ontario. One of them is the GreenON Window Rebate, an initiation undertaken by the Ontario Climate Change Action Plan to help Ontarian homeowners of all calibers get closer to more energy efficient practices. To be eligible and apply for the program you must complete some requirements first. Check them in the link below.

Ontario Window Rebate Programs

In Conclusion

The world around us is rapidly changing, and with the constantly growing energy consumption, we all should undertake serious measures to lower the carbon footprint as well as profit from the other benefits of Energy Efficient practices. You as a homeowner can give your support just by reducing water consumption or switching incandescent lights (halogen light bulbs) with LEDs.

Why EcoStar?

The main focus of EcoStar Insulation company is to provide first-rate products at the highest standard of expertise. We are proud to be delivering affordable insulation results for the Greater Toronto Area and the suburban communities since 2008. Our team of professionals will guide you from the consultation to the execution stage to help you determine the best solution that meets your home needs at the lowest cost. Contact us to get a free estimate!