
Is Spray Foam Insulation Fire Retardent

When deciding on the best insulation for your home, fire safety may be one of the biggest factors, especially for homeowners with open-flame appliances such as fireplaces or wood stoves. There has been a lot of controversy regarding whether fire-safe spray foam roofing insulation is fire retardant, especially when using it for roofing insulation.  Many people doubt the fire retardant properties of spray foam insulation and don’t understand why it would be deemed safe on your roof while it may not be as safe in an enclosed area. The truth is that fire-safe spray foam insulation is made from fire retardants, and the code requires that if it’s going to be used as insulation, it has to meet certain standards.

Is Spray Foam Insulation Fire Retardent?

The spray foam insulation Solve Insulation installs is a fire retardant. It is also non-carcinogenic, waterproof, and contains no formaldehyde. Some types of foam even have air barriers built into them. While several different insulation types are available, spray foam insulation is one of the most cost-effective, long-term solutions homeowners can invest in to ensure their home is energy-efficient and protected from harmful elements like mold, mildew, and pests.

Spray foam insulation is chemically designed to be fire retardant.  Spray foam roofing insulation will not burn, char, or melt when exposed to flame. It will simply release gas and will smother any flames. In fact, the same material that helps make up the expanding foam that fills your home or building’s cavities is also used to make military armor and ammunition. However, spray foam insulation that is not installed correctly, ventilated, or maintained can pose a fire hazard.

How Is Spray Foam Insulation Fire Retardent?

The most popular type of Spray foam insulation is “closed cell” foam, which basically means that it resists the flow of oxygen. In this case, spray foam insulation acts as an insulator and a  “barrier” between the flame and the interior of the building. It slows down the spread of fire (or in some cases prevents it altogether) while at the same time protecting other components of the building from the spread of heat and flames.

Is Fireproof Spray Foam Insulation Toxic?

The polyurethane foam we use for spray foam roofing insulation is not toxic or caustic. Even if the foam burns, it won’t emit harmful fumes or gases or produce toxic smoke. It will simply smother the fire and then evaporate. This means it is safe to be around and won’t give off dangerous fumes.

How Does Spray Foam Insulation Hold Up in a Fire?

The solid foam used in spray foam insulation is resistant to both flames and heat, meaning that it will not ignite or suffer degradation in extremely hot conditions. Spray foam has passed UL-701 testing and has a Class 1 flame rating (the highest rating).

The Benefit of Fireproofing Insulation

Fireproofing services are beneficial for protecting your insulation from being burned by a fire. Fireproofing services work by preventing the spread of fire within a wall and are best utilized in conjunction with other fire safety measures.

Insulation is one of the best ways to protect your family and home during a fire and can save lives by keeping the temperature beneath an acceptable level during an emergency situation. By allowing your insulation to burn, you are lessening the effectiveness of your insulation and decreasing the protection it can provide.

Fireproofing services can be done through many different mediums. The most common is a spray on fireproofing service, in which compounds are sprayed onto the insulation. These compounds range in thickness to provide varying levels of fireproofing protection. The second method is a coating service, which is done by brushing a fire-resistant compound onto the insulation.

Contact Solve about our Fireproofing services in New York, North York, Etobicoke, and New York today!