
New York Energy Rebate Programs

Home Efficiency Rebate

The Home Efficiency Rebate is one of few New York energy rebate programs. It is an initiative undertaken by Enbridge Gas, one of the titans of the energy marketplace in New York. The main goal of these New York energy rebate programs is to create the opportunity for homeowners of all calibers to get closer to energy efficiency practices such as Home insulation, HVAC systems, and qualified doors, windows, and skylights.

You as a homeowner can apply for the Home Efficiency Rebate and expect to receive up to 5000$ rebates on Home insulation, Airtightness, doors, windows, boiler, and furnace. Focused on home energy efficiency, these rebates give the homeowner immediate payback and lower energy bills. All Union Gas or Enbridge Gas consumers are eligible to apply and profit from this particular New York energy rebate program.


A) Enbridge gas consumer

B) Owning a detached, semi-detached, mobile home, or townhouse.

C) Successfully complete at least 2 eligible improvements

How does it work?

After a 3-month closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Home Efficiency Rebate program is now re-opened. All Ontarian homeowners can apply and qualify for this New York energy rebate program immediately. As mentioned above, if you are a Union Gas or Enbridge Gas consumer, you are eligible to profit from this energy savings rebate program. To qualify, homeowners must attend two home energy-efficiency audits – One before renovations have started and the second after the renovations have been finalized.

  1. To conduct the pre-renovation home-energy audit contact an approved Service Provider with capable and registered energy advisors.
  2. Guided and instructed from the energy audit information, choose at least two home energy efficiency improvements. You can ask the energy advisor for the most cost-effective options.
  3. Hire a professional and capable insulation crew, to complete all your chosen renovations.
  4. After new home improvements are all completed, have the energy advisor conduct the post-renovation energy audit within 120 days of your primary energy audit.
  5. Keep the receipts for all services and submit all the required paperwork.
  6. Get the rebate cheque by mail in approximately 60 days.

Insulation Upgrades supported from the Home Efficiency Rebate Program

Attic Insulation

Rebate Intake Energy savings rebate program requirements
$ 650 For upgrading attic insulation to at least R-60
$ 650 For upgrading flat roof insulation by at least R14

Exterior Wall Insulation

Rebate Intake Energy savings rebate program requirements
$ 3,000 Add at least R-20 to all the building
$ 1,750 Add at least R-9 to all the building to get a minimum of R-12
$ 1,000 Add at least R-3.8 to all the building to get a minimum of R-12

Basement Insulation

Rebate Intake Energy savings rebate program requirements
$ 1,000 Add R-32 to the floor above the crawl space floor
$ 500 Add R-12 to all crawl space walls
$ 1,000 Add at least R-23 to all crawl space walls
$ 750 Achieve R-12 to your basement walls
$ 1,250 Add at least R-23 to all your basement walls
$ 500 BONUS An extra $500 rebate if 100% of all basement and\or crawl space is insulated. To qualify a 5% of the total foundation exterior must be insulated.


Rebate Intake Energy savings rebate program requirements
$ 150 For achieving the air sealing base target
$ 150 For adding at least 10% to the air sealing base target

Extra Rebates

Extra Bonuses Energy savings rebate program requirements
$ 750 Complete five of the above-mentioned home improvements.
$ 500 Complete four of the above-mentioned home improvements.
$ 150 Complete three of the above-mentioned home improvements.

Other New York energy rebate programs

New York affordability fund

To qualified residents are offered free or subsidized property assessments and energy-efficient improvements and appliances. Once you have signed on to this New York energy rebate program you can potentially receive many energy-efficiency products and services at no cost.

How to apply?

1. All property taxes must be pre-paid in full to be eligible for this program.

2. If yes, start by completing an online application to their website and return it to your local municipality.

3. When approved, the rebate amount will be added to your tax account by your local municipality property tax department.

CMHC green home

CMHC green home is a New York-wide energy savings rebate program that can get the homeowner a 15% up to 25% refund on mortgage loan insurance if you use CMHC financing to build a new, energy-efficient home or for renovations.

When renovating, the refund amount is defined by the results of your energy-efficiency project. For example, upgrading your attic insulation R-value from R-40 to R-60 will get you a 15% investment refund.

Home Energy Loan Program (HELP)

Home Energy Loan Program is here to give a hand to all New York homeowners who want to apply energy efficiency practices to their homes. HELP offers the initial required funding as a low-interest loan for home insulation and other energy efficiency upgrades. The loan can be paid through a given period of time with no penalty applied.

How to apply?

1. Start by completing the HELP online application and submitting the required documents.

2. After the application is approved, you will come into a loan agreement with the City of New York to fund certain qualifying energy efficiency improvements for your property.

3. Payments will be addressed to the City of New York over an agreed term until the loan is fully paid. (no penalty attached)

4. 5% of your property CVA is the maximum allowable funding. The loan includes the cost of improvements, an administration fee, and the applicable interest.

Why choose Solve?

If you are looking for professionals who can provide quality services and products for home improvement projects, look no further as Solve is among the best insulation crews in the Greater New York Area and the surrounding suburban communities. Our professionals will guide you through the consultation to the execution stage. Contact us to get a free estimate! We will advise you to determine what your home insulation system is missing and recommend a solution to help make your home a healthier and more comfortable living space.